HOFPoints by Michal Janak
Wellcome to
HOFPoints, Version 3.8
(C) 1995-1998 Bc. Michal Janak
All Rights Reserved
Important Shareware & registering
Introduction About this program and distribution
Disclaimer Important note
Requirements What you need
How it use it How use program
History Past and future
Greetings Thanks to some persons
author My address and something about me
(I must apologize to all for my not very good english)
In this version isn't program cripled (all functions are working). But
there is requester with 10s delay on start and at the end of program.
If you are using this program frequently or you want version without
waiting, please send shareware fee by snail mail to author
UK pounds 2 (preffered)
DM 5
CZK 90
(I think,that this isn't too much for my spent time in developing this program)
( Or equivalent way is send me registered version of your program
but after agreement with me )
After you register I will send you last version and I will send to You
automaticaly new versions in future.
!!! registered version you can get only by E-mail !!!
!!! DO NOT copy registered version to other people !!!
You can freely distribute this
program, but you can not change any part of this package and this
package must contain this files:
HOFPoints main executable
HOFPoints.info info file for executable
HOFPoints.guide amigaguide document
HOFPoints.guide.info info file for this guide
HOFPoints.dat datafile for HOFPoints
(this file do not edit by hand (in word editors))
HOFPoints.pic document picture
fonts draver containing Ruby 15 & DBfont 8
HOFPoints is a utility for competitors of the Amiga HOF
(Hall of Fame), that calculates and displays points, which you reach.
In first line is track info. There is track number, track
name and length of track in metres. On the next line is best time done
in the HOF (track record), your best time, your points and
time difference between record and your time. In next line is number called
"need points". I must explain this. When I want to be placed to 10th place
(for example), you can see in the last HOF results that on 10th place has
someone 224 points. then you need at least 224 points to be placed on 10th.
I spent much time on looking for best method for calculating need points
for every track. But I found it and it works well. There is calculation:
/ Px \
need points for track = points + | ---- * (need points-SUM) |
\ S /
where points.....your current track points
Px.........( 1 - (points/20) )
S..........Sum of P1 to P16
From these need points for tracks are calculated time which you need for
this number of points and time difference between needed time and your time.
In the next row is points difference between needed points and your current
number of points (your score) and the total number of points that you get in
the HOF (but only if record stay unchanged). In last line are positions on
tracks and position in HOF in all.
Your times and score can be printed on printer too.
This program is available from me, newest version
is available on my home page:
or at Oliver Roberts web pages:
(Amiga Formula One pages is place where you can find many
important informations an many useful programs)
Any Amiga (In this time tested only on My A1200 2MB Chip, 130MB HD and
on A1200 +Blizzard IV +8MB FAST RAM
and +Blizzard 1240 T/ERC +16MB FAST RAM)
Ruby 15 and DBFont 8 in
FONTS:directory (included in package), file called hofpoints.dat in S:
directory (or where you want if you use TOOLTYPE or CLI argument ).
Starting program
This program can be started from WorkBench or from CLI
from CLI
If you start this program without
parameter (only HOFPOINTS and RETURN), program will be loading
datafile called hofpoints.dat from S:directory.
If you want use file with your own name or placed on another place
(for examle dh1:simulators/F1GP/HOFPoints dh1:data/hofpoints.dat
You can use both parameters or one of them.
Click on program icon.
there are two TOOLTYPE's (for this time, something will
be added in near future) called
(for examle DATAFILE=dh1:data/hofpoints.dat)
(for examle GUIDEFILE=dh1:documents/hof2202.guide)
If you do not determine the guide file, the ASL requester will be opened
Use of program
After start you can see the window ( doc picture ).
There are some buttons
| Track info: 1 USA 3668 m |
| |
| input: AMIGA HOF |
| Best time | Your time | Points | Time diff. |
| 1:13.663 | 1:15.475 | 10.40 | + 1.812 |
| Need Points | Need time | Time diff. |
| 224 | 1:14.785 | + 0.690 |
| |------------------|------------|
| Points diff. | |
| + 83.08 | SUM= 140.92 Points |
| Track pos 15 HOF pos 15 positions |
| |
| Track 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
| select 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
| |
Best time
After pressing this button you will be asked for input
new time in input gadget. In input gadget you write only
seconds (instead 1:13.333 only 13.333)
Your time
After pressing this button you will be asked for input
new time in input gadget. (only seconds instead 1:13.456 13.456) time
must be between 0 and 59.999. If this time is better than Best time, then
the best time will be set to this value too.
If you have not done time for some tracks, please type time 59.998 in
input window for this tracks.
Need time
After pressing this button you will be asked for
input of points you wat to have as score (posible value is between 0-minimum
and 320 - maximum number of points thats you can get ( 16*20=320 )).
From this number are calculated times for each circuits.
After this choice will be started reading of HOF.guide and from
your time and points in HOF will be calculated positions on every track
and position in HOF in all. The guide file must be original not altered
file, that every player of HOF obtain by E-mail from Edo. Place of this file
you can determine by TOOLTYPE or CLI argument. If is not this file
determined by one of way, then will be opened ASL requester. In time of
processing you can see in input window name of current processed circuit.
This function is called before every printing to printer automaticaly
Track select
this button is for selecting track, you want to see
1 USA 9 Germany
2 Brazil 10 Hungary
3 San Marino 11 Belgium
4 Monaco 12 Italy
5 Canada 13 Portugal
6 Mexico 14 Spain
7 France 15 Japan
8 Great Britain 16 Australia
By pressing this button will be reloaded
datafile from disk. This datafile must be placed in S: directory. Only if
you use TOOLTYPE in icon or CLI argument, you can place this file where you
After pressing this button will be renamed originaldatafile to
.bak and than will be saved last
data from program. This .bak file is for person who made some mistake and
want return back their data or for case of crash machine in time of saving
data. If you need data from .bak file, you must delete the datafile
and then raname datafile.bak do datafile (hofpoints.dat.bak to
After pressing this button and if you have printer conected and in ON state
then w ill be printed somethig as this:
HOFPoints output: (Need points = 224)
Your current HOF position is 15
Nr.Track name Best time Your time Time dif. Points Need time Need dif. Pos
1 USA 1:13.663 1:14.859 + 1.196 13.61 1:14.785 + 0.074 15
2 BRAZIL 1:08.476 1:10.086 + 1.610 10.81 1:09.519 + 0.567 26
16 AUSTRALIA 1:06.998 1:08.940 + 1.942 8.73 1:08.018 + 0.921 20
| SUM = 172.49 Points |
HOFPoints 3.8 by Michal Janak
This button will quit this program.
!!! Be sure, you saved changes before doing this operation !!!
28-12-95 1.0 first version (in GFA-basic)
without mouse control
some bugs(font problem & problem with datafile)
12-01-96 1.5 removed bug with datafile and added mouse control
23-01-96 2.0 firt public version
rewiten to BlitzBasic2
27-01-96 2.5 some graphics changes and added printings
??-02-96 lost source code due Harddisk failure.
??-02-96 2.6 not public released, rewriten from base
some cosmetics changes
28-02-96 2.8 added printings of zeros in times(instead 1: 7.34
1:07.340), points (13.60 instead 13.6) (thanks to Alan
Strang for this idea)
added printing of differention between your score
and needed score.
From this version program using one TOOLTYPE
and one argument in cli.
not public released
06-03-96 3.0 added calculation of your position on every
track and in HOF (only for registered users).
Some minor changes in code.
09-11-96 3.7 changed calculation of points, because there is new rule
in HOF (107% rule)
New method of calculating needtime(for need points).
Before this change you coul get need time worse than
your actual record.
10-04-98 3.8 Minor update. Only refflects changes of guidefile format
which caused HoFPoints fail on obtaining track positions
I thanks to following persons:
Edo Nijmeier - for constructive critics
Oliver Roberts - for placing my product on his web page
& Alan Strang - for some hints (addition of printig zeros
and positions in HOF feature)
If you have any suggestions, bug reports, some hints or money for me,
let me know on my permanent home address:
Michal Janak
Vltavska 11
Brno 625 00
You can contact me via E-mail at this address:
About me:
I was studying 4 years on Electrotechnical University in my city. I am
living in Brno - Czech republic (small country in middle Europa). Most of my
free time I am playing F1GP and other simulators. I am watching all Formula
one races. My favourite driver was Damon Hill (and I am still hoping that
He will get another podium finish)
Now I am working in factory as programmer.
(I am too lazy for learning programming in assembler or C, this was my
first program made for use by other people)
My other work:
Only CLI program which strips l html sequences from files. It
is good for DirectoryOpus or other configurable file managers. (Program can
handle multiple files)
SendResults.rexx v2.5
Arexx script for participants of Amiga F1GP Internet Championship which are
sending results via YAM (freeware mail program).
Converted on 07 Jun 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.